Thursday, April 22, 2010

Abuse of FB

Yes ladies and gentlemen,
I wish to talk about Facebook abuse. It may come in many forms but I will specifically target one particular issue. I admit that I am a FB addict. I'm constantly checking my notifications and such. We all love the social networking site. However, when people wish to use it for the wrong reasons, it gets to me. You might think that my opinion may not matter as I am merely a single voice. I beg to differ, I might be just a single voice but if you think about it, every Earth Changing event began and happened because ONE person decided to voice out subsequently attracting others. 

So, you must be wondering what is all this about. Well, it's because someone in my FB friends list posted a photo of her cutting herself. I got disappointed because I know her and I can see so much potential in her. I feel that she is so much more than that. I know I have no rights whatsoever in telling you how to lead your life but posting it on FB is just plain idiocy. 

So I posted on my FB status:

If you wanna cut yourself, by all means go ahead. I have no rights to tell you what you should do. However, when you decide to do that and post it on FB, that is just plain idiocy. What are you trying to achieve? Other morons to "like" the photo? Such disappointment. You should be ashamed of yourself.

And what kind of example are they trying to set? It's a public space and kids are exposed to this. Attention deprived much? Idiots I tell you.

It really doesn't matter who. I'm not here to point fingers or to embarrass anyone. Just trying to make a point, get people's support and put an end to these nonsense.

We should love ourselves and cherish the body that is given to us. Yes I'm going to sound very vain but seriously, DO YOU REALLY WANT TO BEAR THOSE SCARS AS YOU WALK DOWN THE AISLE ON YOUR WEDDING DAY??? And when your kids look at your arm and ask you what are those scars from, what are you going to answer them? Think about it.  

and yes, I am aware that I am recycling photos. Chill out aite. I'll get more soon!


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