Monday, May 10, 2010

Because life brings you down once in awhile

This Chinese girl is hurt. Well that's just life now isn't it? I wont go into details. Let's just conclude and leave it at boy issues. To make matters worse, there's degree to hold me down and comforting addictions that I have to give up. Everybody has one. An addiction I mean. It could be absolutely ANYTHING at all. From cigarettes to maybe even your Facebook page or even alcohol and drugs. Maybe to some, a special someone and to others, glorious FOOD! Haha..

But giving it up is just difficult. Having to push away something so near and dear to you just hurts. Disagree all you want but for some (like myself) it's not just a daily struggle. It's a constant battle where one tiny little wrong move can send you crashing down onto sharp pointy rocks. OUCH! 

I believe that everybody needs a lil help once in awhile. Which is why decided to make this a blog where I can offer you advice!!! Hahahaha. I'm not saying I'll give the best of advices but hey, sometimes all you need is to type it out. E-mail me your troubles at You can choose to be anonymous. This is gonna be fun. I hope. Possibly major embarrassment if no one emails me. HAHA. We'll see. Wanna be my first entry? 

p.s. if you have an issue about me doing this please proceed to the x on the top right corner of your window. :)

lots of love from that chinese girl, Candice. :)